Finding a job in lockdown

Land a new role in lockdown, and part-time / remote / homeworking jobs available now!
If you know me already, you’ll know I love helping people progress in their marketing, PR and digital careers. I’ve been doing this for 30 years, so if you’re stuck in your job search I can help you get unstuck. Even now.
I’m aware how tough it is out there, whether you’re at the start of your career or ‘pivoting’ with decades of experience.
We’ll all facing fresh and different pressures. We’re open for business, from my home office near Bristol, and working super hard to help people find new roles during lockdown.
Like many of us who run their own businesses, I’ve adapted to work 100% remotely and if you’re in the job market right now, for whatever reason, the good news is there are some jobs available and recruitment has not completely stopped!
You don’t have to wait until lockdown ends to start your job search.
The recruitment process will feel different from what we’re used to, and I’m here to help guide you through.
So how do you get a short-term or long-term role remotely?
* • Don’t assume there are no roles. A quick glance around LinkedIn tells me that the BBC; TikTok; Monzo; Nestlé, Amazon, Co-op, Starbucks, Peroni, AXA and more are all actively recruiting for marketing roles right now.
* • Don’t be tempted to reduce your fees or salary expectations unless that’s part of your overall plan (for example you want to make a significant career change).
* • Your motivation is key. You are likely to be competing against more job-hunters than usual: letting your passion shine through is essential here. If your mojo is at a low ebb, have a chat with one of our recommended coaches or myself, and we can do some work around that together.
* • While a nod to and sensitivity around the current situation is wise – and it’s vital not to be flippant – don’t make your application all about Covid19!
* • Do explain your circumstances. Why you are job-hunting… for example if you’ve been made redundant or put on furlough along with the majority of your colleagues, do briefly explain this.
* • Get to know the company you are applying to, this will help you stand out against the thousands of applications (this is true all the time not just in lockdown)!
* • Don’t overshare your life story or be negative, DO offer solutions and show off your knowledge and successes around technology and working remotely.
Contact me for help and support with your career, and for news on part-time 100% home working opportunities –