Cuppa and Chat with Helen Campbell

Lovely virtual cuppa with Helen – here’s her views….
What’s the biggest change/decision for you, professionally, as a result of Covid19 and lockdown?
As a coach, working with creative people, I’ve had to move all my face-to-face meetings across to video or phone calls. That happened very naturally and although I love meeting local clients at the beautiful Larchwood studio in Hay-on-Wye, which is next to the river and surrounded by trees, the switch was very natural and smooth.
I’ve also managed to really focus on the book I’ve been writing for Business Expert Press as I’ve had more time. I’ve channelled hours that I would have spent travelling to and from meetings into writing and I got 1,000 words down each day during May. I took advantage of lockdown, in the sense that I interviewed some amazing experts who may not have been available to talk with me if they’d not been at home. So I think my book is richer now because of that. I’ve also taken on a few more copywriting clients, including an exciting start-up, and so I’ve diversified a bit more and strengthened my writing habit.
How have you found remote working/working from home?
I have coaching clients around the world, so remote working isn’t unusual for me. What changed was my 2020 plan: this year was going to be all about travel for me and I was in Austin in Texas when I had to cut my trip short and instead of flying to North Carolina I flew back to the UK and into lockdown with my ex-husband, which is another story and was an interesting three months!
Lockdown in general, love it or loathe it?
I don’t want to be dismissive about how serious the virus is or how hard it has been for so many, but looking at the bright side of it, what I’ve found is a really beautiful opportunity to truly connect with people in a powerful way. I’ve connected more with my clients and also other business people and friends too. What I’ve discovered is – even among people I thought I knew really well – an opening up and an honesty, as well as a sense of being even more present than before. This has helped me write more honestly and openly too, and be truer to myself. My clients have responded so well to this deeper level of authenticity. I’ve spoken up about issues I feel strongly about such as combatting racism, and I’ve spent a lot of time reading, learning and listening. Financially it wasn’t easy because some projects did disappear and there was no government support for a business such as mine: I did not think it was appropriate for me to furlough myself at a time when clients really wanted to talk, and things definitely slowed down financially. I consider myself lucky and privileged though, as I’ve been able to use the time in such a creative way and I know how to ramp the money side of things back up when I emerge from completing the book at the end of this month.
What’s your plan for the next 3 months? 6 months? How much has that changed as a result of the pandemic?
I’m aiming to get my book published by the end of 2020, and the pandemic has really allowed me to focus on that goal, which had fallen by the wayside in some respects.
I’ve actually networked a lot during the pandemic, surprisingly, all via Zoom, and I’d like to get my travel plans up and running again with trips to France and Spain to see new and old friends.
I’ve been part of an amazing mentoring scheme for founders, with a wonderful company called Huckletree during lockdown. I’d like to keep up the momentum and energy of that as having other founders to talk to really gave me a boost with my business at a difficult time for us all. So I aim to increase my turnover and ramp up my coaching and consulting business in line with the quarterly goals I set through that group.
Top tip for your peers/colleagues?
Routine and good habits. I’m currently following The Artist’s Way and I journal each morning. I swim in the river, do yoga each week… all these things help keep me grounded. They may sound like luxuries but without them I’d be grumpy with a bad back. As it is I have plenty of energy and I share that with my clients every day.